Sunday, October 17, 2010

wine-o. dine-o. by-myselfo.

My mom tends to spoil me... even living on my own, with a job, and gone for more then 5 years now? whoa. She wanted to buy me a grad present but I didnt know what I wanted. I got thinkin...

I have alwayyyyys wanted to go on a trip alone. yes..ALONE! hotel to myself, dinner at a restaurant by myself, shop by myself. Is it weird i like being alone that much? CAUSE I LOVE IT!

My mom pulled through once again and got me a flight and hotel in Edmonton for me to shop shop shop and lounge lounge lounge in my hotel room. I am more excited then Christmas eve. This is gonna be one hell of a party. Me, my red wine, ugly pjs, and receipts.

Thanks mom for making my loser dream come true:) Happy Hair School grad!

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